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الهدي الصحي: سلسلة للتثقيف الصحي من خلال تعاليم الدين … The Right Path to Health: Health Education Through Religion

الهدي الصحي: سلسلة للتثقيف الصحي من خلال تعاليم الدين … The Right Path to Health: Health Education Through Religion
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لا شك أن معرفة ثقافة المجتمع عامل أساسي لمعرفة الطريق الأمثل للتثقيف الصحي (Health Education) ، ولأن الدين الإسلامي يتميز بأنه منهج كامل للحياة بكل نواحيها وبالطبع شمل أيضاً النواحي الصحية والطبية، فقد قامت منظمة الصحة العالمية WHO بإصدار سلسلة “الهدي الصحي” (The Right Path to Health) لتثقيف المجتمع حول القضايا الصحية المختلفة من خلال تعاليم ومبادئ الدين الإسلامي، وقد صدرت كتب السلسلة بالعربية وتُرجمت للإنجليزية، كما تم ترجمة بعضها للفرنسية.
الهدي الصحي: سلسلة للتثقيف الصحي من خلال تعاليم الدين
The Right Path to Health: Health Education Through Religion
الكتاب الأول
الحكم الشرعي في التدخين
الطبعة الثانية
تحرير محمد هيثم الخياط
ISBN [Print]: 92-9021-286-1
Book 1
Islamic ruling on smoking
Edition: 2nd ed.

Al-Khayat, Mohammad Haytham

2000, ISBN [Print]: 92-9021-167-9
“Smoking is, perhaps, one of the most important threats to individual and community health, it is no secret that more than 4 million people die in the world each year from smoking-related diseases, including lung cancer, chronic bronchitis. pulmonary emphysema, coronary heart disease and cancer of the bladder. To date not a single benefit of smoking has been identified. One of the worst forms of smoking is that known as passive smoking and which refers to the involuntary inhalation by nonsmokers of other people’s cigarette smoke, whether in the office, on public transport or in the home, Religion has a strong influence in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Many of the principles of Islam call upon people to look after their health, to avoid health hazards and risks and to raise their standards of hygiene. The Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office of the World Health Organization sought the opinions of a number of eminent Muslim scholars with regard to the Islamic ruling on smoking. We gratefully acknowledge the thorough and detailed replies received from these distinguished scholars, The general consensus concerning the Islamic ruling was that smoking is either completely prohibited or abhorrent to such a degree as to be prohibited.” –IRIS Abstract.
الكتاب الثاني
الماء والإصحاح في الإسلام
عبد الفتاح الحسيني الشيخ، رئيس جامعة الأزهر
ISBN [Print]: 92-9021-039-7
Book 2
Water and sanitation in Islam
Al-sheikh, Abdul Fattah Al-Husseini
1996, ISBN [Print]: 92-9021-169-5
“Religion has a strong influence in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Many of the principles of Islam call upon people to look after their health, to avoid health hazards and risks and to raise their standards of hygiene. The Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office of the World Health Organization sought the opinions of a number of eminent Muslim scholars to outline the Islamic rulings on a number of health-related matters. The subject of water and sanitation figures prominently among these, since it has far-reaching effects on personal and community health alike. It is hoped that readers will make use of the rulings they read in this book, try to make the best use of water and avoid any action that may cause pollution and harm to themselves, their families and communities.” –IRIS Abstract.
الكتاب الثالث
أحكام الذبح و الذبائح
ISBN [Print]: 92-9021-040-0
Book 3
Islamic ruling on animal slaughter
1997, ISBN [Print]: 92-9021-168-7
“Sets out the conclusions reached by experts and legal scholars asked to advise about methods of animal slaughter that are permitted by Islamic law and thus render meat fit for consumption by Muslims. The report responds to the heavy dependence of many Muslim countries on imported meat and the corresponding need to ascertain whether animals have been slaughtered in conformity with Islamic teachings. The report also issues advice about meat consumption for Muslims living in non-Muslim countries. The report opens with a brief description of general principles of animal slaughter prescribed by Islamic law. Section two indicates which methods of slaughter are permissible and which are clearly prohibited. The Islamic ruling on the consumption of meat is covered in section three, which lists meat which is indisputably forbidden, meat considered forbidden by the majority of Muslim jurists, and animals whose meat is unanimously considered fit for consumption. The remaining sections discuss the electrical stunning of animals prior to slaughter, giving particular attention to the questions of whether the animal experiences pain and whether subsequent slaughter conforms with Islamic teachings. The report concludes that animal slaughter following electrical stunning is unquestionably permitted by Islamic law.” –IRIS Abstract.
الكتاب الرابع
فقه الصحة
محمد هيثم الخياط
ISBN [Print]: 92-9021-214-4
Book 4
Health: an Islamic perspective
Al-Khayat, Mohammad Haytham
1997, ISBN [Print]: 92-9021-227-6
“Over the last decade, the World Health Organization has advocated primary health care as the proper approach to the attainment of its goal of health for all. All countries have welcomed this approach and have been trying to implement it properly. It is still met, nevertheless, with a number of obstacles which impede the progress of health. The most important of these are; lack of infrastructure and human resources, lack of intersectoral collaboration, lack of community participation, poor management and planning. Our world today is in great need of all initiative to overcome all these obstacles if it truly wants to achieve the goal of health for all. This booklet draws together and interprets teachings, sayings. and laws previously scattered in numerous religious texts. The opening section reviews the Islamic concept of health and presents general guidelines for preserving good health and seeking medical treatment. Section two describes specific principles pertaining to cleanliness and personal hygiene, marriage and family life, care of children, immunization, proper nutrition, consumption of safe food and water, and protection of the environment. Teachings and rulings that encourage health promotion and protection are discussed in section three. The final section shows how the Islamic concepts of solidarity, cooperation, self-sufficiency, and perfection in “civilized behaviour” support the concept of community participation as an essential component of primary health care.” –IRIS Abstract.
الكتاب الخامس
إعلان عمان لتعزيز الصحة باتباع أنماط الحياة الإسلامية
ISBN [Print]: 92-9021-178-4
Book 5
Health promotion through Islamic lifestyles: the Amman Declaration
1996, ISBN [Print]: 92-9021-216-0
“Believing that health is a state of complete physical. mental and social wellbeing considering that Islam deems this to be a necessary component of faith and of Islamic law. In view of the impact of Lifestyles on the health of individuals and groups. The Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, convened a consultation on Islamic lifestyles and their impact on health development. The aim was to contribute to the presentation of this valuable cultural legacy, for the benefit of all humanity. The Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean decided to publish this booklet which contains the most important decisions reached of how health-related Islamic teachings might be used to persuade individuals and communities, in Islamic countries, to follow healthy lifestyles. The meeting, which brought together leading physicians, scientists, experts in jurisprudence, and religious scholars, aimed to issue clear health guidance based on an authoritative interpretation of whole-some lifestyles as embodied in Islamic law. The resulting Amman Declaration is reproduced in full. The Declaration identifies some 60 components of lifestyle where Islamic teachings offer guidance on healthy and harmful behaviours. These concern the areas of nutrition, food safety, personal and community hygiene. waste disposal, sexual relationships. breast-feeding and child care, mental health, alcohol consumption, substance abuse, and violence.” –IRIS Abstract.
الكتاب السادس
دور الدين والأخلاقيات في الوقاية من الإيدز ومكافحته
ISBN [Print]: 92-9021-152-0
Book 6
The role of religion and ethics in the prevention and control of AIDS
1992, ISBN [Print]: 92-9021-153-9
الكتاب السابع
صحة البيئة في ميزان الإسلام
محمد هيثم الخياط
Book 7
Environmental health: an Islamic perspective
1997, ISBN [Print]: 92-9021-228-4
“Discusses the ways in which Islamic teachings and the views of Muslim physicians and scholars can be used to identify specific actions to protect the environment and thus promote human health. Teachings underscoring the links between health and the environment are also reviewed and interpreted. The opening section stresses the need to maintain a balance between the environment’s capacity to support tile and human behaviours that create demands on the environment. Particular attention is given to the concept of environmental harmony and the need to preserve the environment’s dynamic equilibrium. Section two looks at teachings that underscore the relationship between the physical environment and the maintenance of good health. Against this background, the next section concentrates on specific abuses of the environment and their significance within the context of Islamic teachings. Problems cited include the excessive use of natural resources, industrial pollution of air and water, overcrowding, misuse of agricultural chemicals, and the production of hazardous wastes. The health effects of increasingly polluted air are described in detail. The final section cites religious teachings that offer guidance in ways to protect the environment and conserve natural resources.” –IRIS Abstract.
الكتاب الثامن
الحكم الشرعي في ختان الذكور والإناث
محمد بن لطفي الصباغ
ISBN [Print]: 92-9021-201-2
Book 8
Islamic ruling on male and female circumcision
Al-Sabbagh, Muhammad Lutfi
1996, ISBN [Print]: 92-9021-217-9
“A collection of three brief scholarly treatises on male and female circumcision as viewed in the body of Islamic law. Noting the lack of doubt that male circumcision is a legitimate practice, the papers largely address common misunderstandings about the Islamic ruling in the case of daughters. In publishing these treatises, the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean aims to issue an authoritative and conclusive statement about the practice of female circumcision in Islamic countries. The first treatise proves with sufficient documented evidence that sayings or actions concerning female circumcision ascribed to the Prophet Muhammad have no authenticity. Noting the many risks involved in female circumcision, the scholar concludes that the practice “cannot be legitimate under Islamic law”, and further concludes that “female circumcision is neither required nor is it an obligation nor a sunna.” The second treatise, on “Pharaonic circumcision”, or infibulation. reviews the harmful effects of this practice and concludes that it is “an odious crime”. The final treatise confirms these views, concluding that “since female circumcision is not something required and no evidence from religious sources proves that it is either an obligation or a sunna, what remains is that it is an absolute damage that has no benefit”.” –IRIS Abstract.
الكتاب التاسع
الصحة حقا من حقوق الإنسان في الإسلام
محمد هيثم الخياط
ISBN [Print]: 92-9021-387-6
Book 9
Health as a human right in Islam
Al-Khayat, Mohammad Haytham
2004, ISBN [Print]: 92-9021-345-0

تم تحديث المقال في 4 فبراير 2021

العلوم الطبية باللغة العربية

العلوم الطبية باللغة العربية MedArabic.com (مجتمع مترجمي الطب) هو موقع مخصص للمترجمين الطبيين عامة والمهتمين بتعريب الطب خاصة، الهدف منه دعم قضية تعريب الطب، ودعم المترجمين الطبيين العرب. في العلوم الطبية باللغة العربية نهتم بتعريب وترجمة علوم الطب والصيدلة وغيرها من العلوم الطبية إلى اللغة العربية، خدمة الترجمة الطبية المتخصصة، هي أحد خدمات العلوم الطبية باللغة العربية، نوفر من خلالها خدمات الترجمة الطبية المتخصصة الاحترافية، من الإنجليزية للعربية ومن العربية للإنجليزية، تتم الترجمات بأقلام مترجمين متخصصين في المجالات الطبية المختلفة وخبراء في أصول الترجمة، معاييرنا مختلفة عن الآخرين. فالمترجم عندنا ليس مجرد مترجم بل هو قبل ذلك طبيب أو صيدلاني أو باحث مختص في المجال، أضف إلى ذلك معرفته بأصول الترجمة وإتقانه للغة، فتكون النتيجة تحفة فنية وليست مجرد مادة مترجمة. تشمل خدماتنا ترجمة حميع المنشورات الطبية مثل الأبحاث الطبية، والمقالات الطبية، والكتب الطبية.